Insurance companies can anticipate even greater competition as result of deregulation than the banking sector. It is important to insurance companies to be able to serve both their private and commercial customers in future at much more reasonable costs and more personally. This necessitates not at least advantages in terms of magnitude to profit from scale effects and the implementation of superior FIN Tec applications to connect customer, insurance products, insurance processing and marketing in mobile systems.
Additionally we see the industry totally underestimating the challanges and requirements of a proper risk pricing according solvency II similar as the banks did 10 years ago with Basel II especially related to real estate and infrastructure investments, because it´s not computing formulas but it´s applying know how and real competence. We are ready to support the industry with our know how proven in the development oft the HypZert and LGD grading concepts for the German Pfandbriefbanks
Against this background, we advise our clientele primarily with regard to securing and expanding their business through participation and cooperation strategies as well as with regard to the classic areas of:
We always approach insurance related projects by
and derive from the results of such analyses implementable and superior strategies which we accompany in implementation on client´s demand.
For details about Solvency II we refer to below client information attached.